Lieschen Mueller im Parterre Burlesque Bar in Berlin

A burlesque bar in Berlin, directly under the television tower. With shows every weekend with the idea of ​​introducing shows every day. The Lieschen Mueller im Parterre adventure restaurant on the ground floor tells a true story. Admittedly, with a pompous pinch of glitter, bright colors and fanfare on top… but Lieschen really does exist. During the Cold War she was an artist in the GDR state circus. Dancing has always been her greatest passion. She was particularly fond of burlesque, the entertainment dance of the wild 1920s. They traveled around the country for many years. When they wanted to start a family, they settled in their hometown of East Berlin. They moved into an apartment in Mitte and worked in the old Friedrichstadtpalast. Her husband became a stage technician there and she became a vaudeville dancer. The famous clown Ferdinand became her good friend and one day gave her a white rabbit, which became the heraldic animal of the Burlesque Bar. If you look around carefully, you will discover many small details that tell Lieschen’s story. And with a bit of luck you’ll even catch a glimpse of the real Marlies. Because sometimes she sits at the counter of the circus bar and watches the colorful hustle and bustle under the television tower, which is inspired by her life…

belongs to the Wilde Matilde family at Nikolaiviertel, Knutschfleck at Alexanderplatz

Lieschen Müller im Parterre

Ein Must-see in Berlin!

Cirque du Burlesque Berlin

New Burlesque und moderner Zirkus

Cirque du Burlesque im Lieschen Mueller im Parterre ist eine Show, so atemberaubend wie Berlin: cool, sexy, ein wenig verrucht, frech, laut, lustig… und garantiert niemals langweilig!

Lasst euch begeistern von der Kunst des Unterhaltungstheaters, vom Charme der wilden 1920er-Jahre, von Live-Musik und prickelnden Überraschungen. Eine Show-Sensation mitten in der City Ost, direkt unterm Fernsehturm am Alexanderplatz!