Live music bar in Berlin

Weekend activity: Live music bar in Berlin. Ready for the ultimate event experience in Berlin? Immerse yourself in the unique world of the Lieschen Müller Bar. The Lieschen Müller is located on Alexanderplatz – perfectly accessible and ideal for continuing the evening with a stroll through the city or other activities. Here, live music, good vibes and glamorous entertainment merge into an unforgettable mix. At the weekend you can expect rousing live music sounds that transform the Lieschen Müller Bar into a pulsating event location. Let yourself be enchanted by talented artists and enjoy the atmosphere that only live music can create. Whether with friends, on a date or as a big event – ​​the atmosphere here is always great! But that is not all! Immerse yourself in the world of elegance and let yourself be seduced by a breathtaking burlesque show. The Lieschen Müller is not just a bar, but a stage for glamor and entertainment. The burlesque shows are the highlight of the evening and promise a show that will inspire your senses. The Lieschen Müller Bar at Alexanderplatz is more than just a place to drink – it’s an experience that appeals to all your senses. Here you can enjoy a breathtaking show, sip exceptional cocktails and let yourself be carried away by the exciting atmosphere. So, plan your next evening at the Lieschen Müller Bar and experience live music, glamor and unforgettable entertainment. This is where Berlin meets, this is where it celebrates! See you at the bar!

belongs to the family, Wilde Matilde at Nikolaiviertel, Knutschfleck at Alexanderplatz

live music bar in berlin,

Ein Must-see in Berlin!

Cirque du Burlesque Berlin

New Burlesque und moderner Zirkus

Cirque du Burlesque im Lieschen Mueller im Parterre ist eine Show, so atemberaubend wie Berlin: cool, sexy, ein wenig verrucht, frech, laut, lustig… und garantiert niemals langweilig!

Lasst euch begeistern von der Kunst des Unterhaltungstheaters, vom Charme der wilden 1920er-Jahre, von Live-Musik und prickelnden Überraschungen. Eine Show-Sensation mitten in der City Ost, direkt unterm Fernsehturm am Alexanderplatz!