Start your day at Lieschen Mueller, right by the Neptune Fountain, with a breakfast that leaves nothing to be desired. Our experience restaurant offers you a varied selection of breakfast options that will transform your morning into a culinary highlight.
Start with a classic German breakfast consisting of fresh bread rolls, cold cuts and cheese, or treat yourself to our healthy muesli and yogurt variations with fresh fruit. For lovers of international delights, we also offer a hearty English breakfast with baked beans, sausages and bacon as well as Mediterranean specialties.

For lovers of international delights, we also offer a hearty English breakfast with baked beans, sausages and bacon as well as Mediterranean specialties. Visit us and start your day with a smile and a full stomach! Visit us and start your day with a smile and a full stomach!
Lieschen Mueller belongs to the family Wilde Matilde at Nikolaiviertel and Knutschfleck at Alexanderplatz.