Café restaurant in Berlin

“Experience the diversity of Berlin: A journey through Lieschen Mueller’s Café Restaurant in Berlin”

Good morning, adventurers and connoisseurs! ☀️ Today we invite you on a journey of discovery – a journey through the diversity of Lieschen Müller’s Café Restaurant in Berlin, a true treasure in the middle of the pulsating metropolis of Berlin. 🌆

“Coffee and cake – the perfect combination to sweeten the day and recharge your batteries.”

Café restaurant in Berlin

Immerse yourself in a world full of taste explosions and culinary delights as you explore the wide selection of coffee specialties and homemade delicacies. From aromatic espressos to creamy latte macchiatos, there is something for every taste. And don’t forget to indulge in our tempting selection of cakes and pastries – a treat for all the senses! 🍩

But Lieschen Mueller’s Café Restaurant in Berlin is not only a place for culinary discoveries, but also a place for meetings and exchanges. Meet old friends or make new acquaintances in the relaxed atmosphere of our café. Leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life behind you and immerse yourself in the conversations and stories that make life so special.

“There’s nothing a cup of coffee and a piece of cake can’t make better.”

And if you’re wondering whether Lieschen Müller’s Café is the right place for you, let me assure you: everyone is welcome here, from passionate coffee lovers to curious explorers. Our doors are open to you and we look forward to welcoming you! 🌺

So, what are you waiting for? Plan your visit to Lieschen Müller’s Café today and experience the diversity of Berlin in one place. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey! 👉🏼

belongs to the Wilde Matilde family in the Nikolaiviertel, Knutschfleck on Alexanderplatz

Ein Must-see in Berlin!

Cirque du Burlesque Berlin

New Burlesque und moderner Zirkus

Cirque du Burlesque im Lieschen Mueller im Parterre ist eine Show, so atemberaubend wie Berlin: cool, sexy, ein wenig verrucht, frech, laut, lustig… und garantiert niemals langweilig!

Lasst euch begeistern von der Kunst des Unterhaltungstheaters, vom Charme der wilden 1920er-Jahre, von Live-Musik und prickelnden Überraschungen. Eine Show-Sensation mitten in der City Ost, direkt unterm Fernsehturm am Alexanderplatz!