Girls’ evening at Lieschen Mueller’s

Girls’ evening at Lieschen Mueller’s directly under the television tower. Don’t we all long for a break, a moment where we can get away from it all, especially when it comes to spending time with our best friends. The idea of ​​a girls’ evening in Berlin with Lieschen Mueller is more than just an opportunity to get together – it is an invitation to an unforgettable experience that invigorates both body and mind. 💅🏻💗

“Girls’ nights are like balm for the soul – a time to laugh, dream and celebrate our strength!”

Girls' evening at Lieschen Mueller's

The girls’ evening at Lieschen Mueller’s is not just a dinner or an evening of entertainment – it is an opportunity to celebrate friendship, laugh together and create moments. Our goal is to offer you a comprehensive experience that will make your evening something special.

A highlight of our girls’ evening at Lieschen Mueller’s is undoubtedly our burlesque show, which takes place every Friday and Saturday. Immerse yourself in the world of glamorous and seductive burlesque and let our talented artists enchant you. From breathtaking costumes to thrilling choreographies and humorous sketches – our burlesque show is a homage to the art of seduction and a guarantee for an unforgettable night. 🎉

But that’s not all! In addition to the burlesque show, we also offer live entertainment with first-class musicians who create the perfect atmosphere for your girls’ night. No matter whether you fancy swing, jazz, rock or pop – our talented musicians will delight you with their rousing sounds and ensure that you dance and sing until the early hours of the morning.

“Women’s power is not an empty phrase, but a reality. Let’s conquer the world together and make our dreams come true!”

But a girls’ night at Lieschen Mueller’s is more than just entertainment – it’s also an opportunity to relax and pamper yourself. Our location offers a variety of amenities that will help you leave the stress of everyday life behind you and fully relax. 🥂🍾

But the real magic of a girls’ evening at Lieschen Mueller’s lies in the atmosphere – in the energy that arises when women get together to celebrate and have fun together. Our location exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere that will immediately captivate you. No matter whether you decide on an intimate meeting in a small circle or a big party with all your friends – with us you will feel at home and can devote yourself entirely to the fun.

Overall, a girls’ evening at Lieschen Mueller’s is more than just an event – it’s an experience that you will remember for a long time. From exciting entertainment to luxurious amenities to world-class dining, you’ll find everything you need to make your evening extra special. So what are you waiting for? Let’s plan a girls’ night together that will exceed all your expectations and give you unforgettable moments! 💅🏻💗 SHOP

belongs to the Wilde Matilde family in the Nikolaiviertel, Knutschfleck on Alexanderplatz

Ein Must-see in Berlin!

Cirque du Burlesque Berlin

New Burlesque und moderner Zirkus

Cirque du Burlesque im Lieschen Mueller im Parterre ist eine Show, so atemberaubend wie Berlin: cool, sexy, ein wenig verrucht, frech, laut, lustig… und garantiert niemals langweilig!

Lasst euch begeistern von der Kunst des Unterhaltungstheaters, vom Charme der wilden 1920er-Jahre, von Live-Musik und prickelnden Überraschungen. Eine Show-Sensation mitten in der City Ost, direkt unterm Fernsehturm am Alexanderplatz!