Pure indulgence at the Neptune Fountain: Iced coffee and cake at Lieschen Mueller

Berlin has many beautiful places, but only a few offer the ambience and culinary delights of Lieschen Mueller am Neptunbrunnen. Whether for a relaxing afternoon break or a special moment of indulgence – our café is the perfect place to let yourself be pampered.

Refreshing iced coffee for hot days

Nothing beats a refreshing iced coffee, especially on warm days. At Lieschen Mueller we serve you this classic to perfection: aromatic coffee, chilled and refined with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, rounded off with whipped cream. A real treat that gives you a soothing break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Coffee specialties for every taste

In addition to our famous iced coffee, we offer a variety of coffee specialties. From strong espresso and creamy cappuccino to velvety latte macchiato – our baristas will conjure up the perfect coffee for you. Enjoy your favorite coffee in our cozy indoor area or on our sunny terrace with a view of the Neptune Fountain and the TV Tower.

Tempting cakes from our in-house patisserie

What would a coffee break be without a piece of cake? Our in-house patisserie produces fresh cakes and tarts every day that will make every sweet tooth’s heart beat faster.Our in-house patisserie produces fresh cakes and tarts every day that will make every sweet tooth’s heart beat faster. From juicy apple cake to delicate pancake maple syrup cake to opulent black tea raspberry cake – you’re guaranteed to find your favorite here.

A place to linger and enjoy

The Lieschen Mueller not only offers delicious food and drinks, but also an ambience that invites you to linger. Our lovingly designed café is the ideal place to meet up with friends, read a good book or simply relax and unwind. The combination of first-class service, high-quality products and a unique location makes every visit to us a special experience.

Special moments at Lieschen Mueller

Celebrate special moments with us – whether it’s a birthday coffee, a family get-together or simply a sweet afternoon with your loved ones. Our team ensures that every visit is unforgettable. We can decorate your table festively and on request. We offer special arrangements to round off your event perfectly.

Come by and let us spoil you

We cordially invite you to discover the diverse delicacies at Lieschen Mueller. Wir laden euch herzlich ein, die vielfältigen Köstlichkeiten im Lieschen Mueller zu entdecken. We look forward to your visit!

Your Lieschen Mueller Team
Kontakt: info@lieschen-mueller.com

Lieschen Mueller belongs to the family Wilde Matilde at Nikolaiviertel and Knutschfleck at Alexanderplatz.

Ein Must-see in Berlin!

Cirque du Burlesque Berlin

New Burlesque und moderner Zirkus

Cirque du Burlesque im Lieschen Mueller im Parterre ist eine Show, so atemberaubend wie Berlin: cool, sexy, ein wenig verrucht, frech, laut, lustig… und garantiert niemals langweilig!

Lasst euch begeistern von der Kunst des Unterhaltungstheaters, vom Charme der wilden 1920er-Jahre, von Live-Musik und prickelnden Überraschungen. Eine Show-Sensation mitten in der City Ost, direkt unterm Fernsehturm am Alexanderplatz!